
Ouray, 科罗拉多州, 被誉为“美国的瑞士”," is a stunning destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its pristine beauty and unique cultural heritage make it a must-visit spot for travelers from all around the world. 然而, 随着该地区旅游业和人类活动的增加, it's important to recognize the significance of treating Ouray with respect and responsibility.

As visitors, we have a duty to preserve and protect this beautiful landscape for future generations. By adopting sustainable practices and minimizing our impact on the environment, we can ensure that Ouray remains a treasured destination for years to come.


  • 科罗拉多州奥雷的主街

    要有耐心 & 种类

    Practice patience and kindness in Ouray, where life sometimes moves at a different pace.

    Ouray is a special place and we're pleased to share it with visitors who appreciate our natural beauty, 缓慢的节奏和友好的氛围. 当你访问我们的时候, 我们邀请你慢慢来, 呼吸山里清新的空气,脸上带着微笑. After all, you're visiting one of the most beautiful places on earth! A little kindness and patience go a long way if service is a little more relaxed than you're used to, 城里交通缓慢,或者很难找到停车位. And yes, we know the views are A-MAZE-ING but please pull over to take that prize-worthy photo!


    • 享受我们的慢节奏

    • 沉浸在我们小镇的热情好客中

    • 如果可以的话,提前计划并预订房间

    • 在城市和偏远地区伸出援助之手

    • 注意城里的行人和缓慢行驶的车辆

    • 向为你停车的车辆挥手

    • 微笑能走很长的路

  • 山上的气流露营车


    做一个快乐的露营者! 露营在耐用的,以前使用过的地点,只留下回忆.

    Ouray and the surrounding San Juan Mountains afford campers of all types an opportunity to experience breathtaking scenery, 不可思议的夜空和无尽的探索机会. Exceptional camping options range from dispersed camping to designated campgrounds, 甚至是提供全方位服务的房车停车场. Designated camping spots and full-service RV parks fill up when the temperatures warm-up, 所以请提前在网上预订. 分散露营是自由原始的, 谁先, first-served camping available on public lands such as those managed by the US Forest Service. 关于选择最佳分散露营地的建议? 在你离开家之前检查一下规章制度, and camp only in previously camped in areas that are 100 feet or more from water. 计划完全自力更生 as services and facilities such as trash cans and trash removal, 表, 不提供火坑和厕所. Campers must be prepared to use only the areas that are previously impacted by camping, and pack out everything they brought in - that means all trash and human and dog waste.


    • 如果有需要,请提前预订

    • 了解该地区是否有便利设施

    • 知道你可以在哪里露营(区域有限)


    • 在以前使用过的地方露营

    • 在离水100英尺以上的地方扎营

    • 计划完全自力更生

    • 把它装进去,把它装出来


  • 从瀑布上冲下来



    你是山里冒险的新手吗? Many of the adventures in and around Ouray require a high level of technical skills, 适当的设备, 身体素质和对该领域的知识. 你最好的选择? 从我们众多高技能的导游服务中聘请一名导游!



    让我们面对现实吧,就像许多特殊的地方一样,Ouray正在被发现! You can still enjoy a trip in the mountains with preparation and planning. 如果你想独处, 计划在不太繁忙的时候参观, 比如在夏季旺季的那一周, 并把我们看作是春天, 秋季或冬季旅行. 如果你的任务清单上有探索荒野的话, 如果你去的时候路边的停车场已经满了,你有什么备用计划吗. Avoid parking on the roads or blocking trailhead access as this can hamper rescue efforts.


    • 你打算走哪条小路?

    • 你检查过路线的情况了吗?

    • Have a plan B in case the trail is crowded or otherwise unavailable

    • Check the weather and other conditions such as wildfire and avalanche danger

    • 把车停在指定的停车位

    • Have an up-to-date map, especially in areas where cell service is not reliable

    • 为你的冒险带上足够的食物

    • 每人至少带一升水

    • 告诉别人你要去哪里,什么时候回来, 回来后跟他们打个招呼

  • 两个徒步旅行者在外围小径上



    The mountains surrounding Ouray are rugged and wild, and we need your help to keep them this way. Keep in mind you might not find services you're used to, like restrooms and trash cans. Be prepared to pack out everything you pack in, including trash, human waste and dog waste. Plan a visit to the Ouray Visitor Center before your adventure for human and dog waste bags and proper backcountry poop etiquette.


    • 只拍照片,只留下脚印

    • 带垃圾袋装人粪

    • 带上狗屎袋和搬运的方法

    • 多带一个装垃圾的袋子

    • 知道垃圾桶的位置


  • 吉普车在伊莫金山口的顶部排成一排



    OHVs are incredibly popular in Ouray as they allow us to travel faster and further into the backcountry and explore areas that take more human-powered effort to get there. With this privilege comes the responsibility to be considerate of fellow wheeled and non-wheeled adventurers, 野生动物, 以及脆弱的高山生态系统. 出发前, be sure to check in with local tour and rental shops for current trail conditions and always follow the Stay the Trail etiquette.


    • 出门前先看看天气

    • 走指定路线

    • 检查当前的步道状况,避免使用泥泞的步道

    • 了解路线,带上GPS或纸质地图

    • 不摘野花

    • 驾车者让位给非驾车者

    • 上坡行驶的车辆或人员有先行权

    • 把大门留在你发现的地方或标记的地方

    • 越野骑行时使用适当的排气装置

    • 靠边停车,让更快的车辆通过

    • 避免堵塞小径或小径的起点


  • 百万美元高速公路

    慢下来 & 享受

    享受 the drive - Ouray and all its splendor will be here no matter when you arrive.

    不管你是从东边开车去欧瑞, 西, 北或南, 你会遇到山口, 夏季建筑项目, 天气和路况的频繁变化. We encourage you to plan ahead and understand that 30 miles in the mountains will likely take much longer than 30 minutes. Pack water, snacks and plenty of layers for stopping at those incredible high alpine vista points. 在山里旅行是一个慢慢来的好时机, 欣赏风景,给其他司机, 骑自行车的人, 行人和野生动物有足够的空间. 一旦你在Ouray, enjoy this beautiful and historic town by parking your vehicle in a designated spot and exploring on foot. 这样才能拍出完美的获奖照片!


    • 欣赏风景

    • Give other drivers, 骑自行车的人, pedestrians, and 野生动物 plenty of space

    • 在指定区域停车拍照

    • 当你在城里的时候,把你的车安全地停好,然后徒步探索

    • 遵守所有限速标志

    • 注意行人和骑自行车的人

  • 冬天的路


    确保你和你的车都做好了过冬的准备. 查看天气,带上必需品.

    Driving through 科罗拉多州’s high country offers unique challenges no matter what season you're visiting. 检查CoTrip.org before you pack up the car and Follow 科罗拉多州 Department Of Transportation (CDOT's) helpful mountain driving tips and get to Ouray safely. 这里的景色还在! 科罗拉多州 has Passenger Traction and Chain Law in effect from September through May so make sure your tires have adequate tread. Be aware of changing weather conditions and always check road conditions before heading out. Make sure you and your vehicle are ready for mountain travel by packing the essentials, 根据交通部的建议:

    • 坚固的刮刀/雪刷/雪铲来清除积雪

    • 手电筒与额外的电池或曲柄供电手电筒

    • 毯子或睡袋

    • 加仑水罐

    • 急救箱和基本药物

    • 轮胎链条和拖带

    • 跨接电缆

    • 发出求救信号及警告其他驾驶人士的照明灯/反光镜

    • Battery or crank-powered radio to listen to emergency broadcasts 一旦你在Ouray, 慢下来, give other drivers and pedestrians plenty of space and be mindful of parking. Try not to park on a slope that might be difficult to back out from. If you do get stuck, don’t worry, it has happened to the best of us. Try the Ouray Way to get unstuck: carry Auto Socks with you in the winter. 它们就像轮胎链条,但更便携,更容易管理.


    • 你有四轮驱动、全轮驱动或雪地轮胎吗?

    • Keep water, snacks, blanket, flashlight, and first aid kit in your vehicle

    • 给其他司机和行人足够的空间

    • 注意停车,不要把车停在结冰/下雪的地方

    • 检查CoTrip.查看路况和摄像头

    • 熟悉乘客牵引和链条定律

    • 根据天气穿适当的衣服

    • 为了增加牵引力,给你的鞋子装上冰爪

    • 知道什么是开放的(道路,企业和娱乐场所)